cover platesWhenupgradingorreplacingexistingcardreaders,theremovalofoldsystemsmaysometimesleavea‘footprint’inthedecoration,orperhaps superficialdamagetoplasterorthewallsubstrate.Toprovideacleanandsimplesolutionandhelpmaskminorcosmeticdamage,wecanoffera limited* range of cover plates to which the backplate of the reader may be fixed. * M.O.Q., may apply
RX1 cover platesA cover plate suitable for both the RX1 and RX1K.
RX2 cover platesUseful to cover cosmetic damage to wall surfaces when replacing some magnetic stripe card readers.
back boxesSimilartothe‘spacers’,andsuitablefortheRX1/RX1KandRX4 readermodules-thesemouldingsaresuitableforsurface-mount installationsusing20mmdiameterconduits.Thebackboxeshave sufficientdepthtoaccommodatemostcableglandnuts,toensure good-practice wiring installation.
RX3 cover platesLarge footprint cover plate suitable for both the RX3 and RX3K readers.
RX4 cover platesLarge footprint cover plate suitable for use as a display mounting or to cover more extensive cosmetic damage. to the wall surface.
RX6 cover platesUsed simply as a sub-mounting plate to offer side-margins to the profile of the reader module.
cover platesWhenupgradingorreplacingexistingcardreaders,the removalofoldsystemsmaysometimesleavea ‘footprint’inthedecoration,orperhapssuperficial damagetoplasterorthewallsubstrate.Toprovidea cleanandsimplesolutionandhelpmaskminorcosmetic damage,wecanofferalimited*rangeofcoverplatesto which the backplate of the reader may be fixed. * M.O.Q., may apply
RX1 cover platesA cover plate suitable for both the RX1 and RX1K.
RX2 cover platesUseful to cover cosmetic damage to wall surfaces when replacing some magnetic stripe card readers.
back boxesSimilartothe‘spacers’,andsuitablefortheRX1/RX1K andRX4readermodules-thesemouldingsaresuitable forsurface-mountinstallationsusing20mmdiameter conduits.Thebackboxeshavesufficientdepthto accommodatemostcableglandnuts,toensuregood-practice wiring installation..
RX3 cover platesLarge footprint cover plate suitable for both the RX3 and RX3K readers.
RX4 cover platesLarge footprint cover plate suitable for use as a display mounting or to cover more extensive cosmetic damage. to the wall surface.
RX6 cover platesUsed simply as a sub-mounting plate to offer side-margins to the profile of the reader module.